Get Trained For The React Js Course In Chennai

Online Training and Placement Programs for React Js in Chennai

Become a React JS certified expert by enrolling to React JS training course at NewMe Technology Solution.

We are one of the emerging training academy who provide placement-oriented training, hands on experience by working in live projects, and help in guaranteed placement assistance.

Our React JS course covers the fundamentals to advanced level concepts of React JS. Some important topics include React Components, JSK Fundamentals, Flux Application Architecture, Event Pooling, and React with jQuery.



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NewMe Technology Solution an emerging training institute leader offers excellent ReactJS Training to people and IT professionals who want to sharpen their abilities. Our knowledgeable faculties for the React JS course have years of experience effectively developing native applications. Our specialised instructors have created customised teaching techniques to help ambitious candidates use ReactJS like a pro and equip students with the abilities needed to create engaging and cutting-edge Applications.

Utilizing the mobile application development framework React Native, multi-platform iOS and Android apps may be created with the aid of native UI components. Businesses can build genuinely native apps using React Native while maintaining a high level of user experience.

Details of ReactJS Course / Overview

Most developers are eager to work with the tools offered by JavaScript’s React library if they haven’t before. React provides quicker time to market, simplicity, speedy rendering with V-Dom, effective design, and some genuinely exceptional developer tools. Several major international corporations, including Instagram, Twitter, Netflix, Yahoo! Mail, WhatsApp, and DropBox, to mention a few, presently utilize React.

For JavaScript professionals to fully utilize their development skills, becoming certified in React JS is the ideal platform. This certification provides employees more possibilities, bigger compensation, and quicker progression in addition to validating abilities that are in high demand in today’s market.

What will be gained by learners?

  • Creating single-page applications.
  • Development / Buliding of interactive forms.
  • Using React Router to implement routing.
  • Construction of isomorphic React applications.
  • The create-react application toolchain’s configuration and use.
  • Jest, React Testing Library and Enzyme testing.
  • Redux and middleware such as Redux-Think, React Saga are used.
  • Constructing dynamic components that communicate with services and APIs.
  • Creating common, reusable logic for application ecosystems.
  • Constructing reusable component-based user interfaces.
  • Building web applicationss that are fast, engaging, and data-driven.

Intended Audience

  • Full Stack Developers
  • Software programmers
  • Solution Architects
  • UI Developers
  • Front-end Developers
  • Java Professionals
  • Professionals switching from Vue, Angular, and other frameworks

Course Prerequisites

  • Prior Knowledge/Training Required
    • Intermediate working knowledge of JavaScript (ES6+)
    • Basics of HTML and CSS
  • Software Requirements
    • Node.js v13.x.x or above
    • An IDE or a code editor like Microsoft VSCode, Sublime Text or similar
    • A web browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox
  • System Requirements
    • Any workstation or laptop with at least 8 GB of RAM

    • What is ReactJS and Origin of React JS
    • Difference between Angular JS and React JS
    • Virtual DOM with Diffing algorithms
    • Difference between Virtual DOM and Real DOM
    • Workspace Set up:
    • Node JS installation
    • Visual studio installation

    • Running the app
    • Debugging first react app

    • Working with React. createElement
    • Expressions
    • Using logical operators
    • Specifying attributes
    • Specifying children
    • Hands-on

    • What is Component
    • Types of components
    • Class Component
    • Functional Component
    • Pure
    • Component Composition
    • Hands on:
    • Create a Simple Class component
    • Create a simple functional component
    • Create app that displays list of students in the Class

    • What is State
    • How to Set and Read state
    • Functional component state using Hooks
    • What is state and it significance
    • What is Props
    • Passing data from one component to another using props
    • Type checking with propType
    • How to set default values to props using defaultProps
    • Typescript basics
    • Hands on:

    • List, Set, Map
    • Rendering a list using map function
    • Hands on:

    • Understanding of react event and synthetic event system
    • Handling event in ES6 class
    • Passing arguments to event handlers
    • Hands on:
    • Handle event in legacy style with prevent default etc
    • Handle event in ES6 class

    • Components Lifecycle and its methods
    • Side effects with lifecycle methods
    • Managing clean up
    • Error management
    • Hands on:
    • Create a class and implement the componentDidMount lifecycle method to bring in data from a mock up url
    • Implement the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method to update the data component will unmount lifecycle function to tear down the timer instance in an app
    • Implement an Error Boundary component to intercept errors in child components

    • How to Render Props
    • Higher Order Components
    • Hands-on:
    • Create a Currency Converter component that implements render props to provide the result which is then rendered on the screen
    • Build a higher order function that empowers our App component with tools to fetch currency rates after conversion

    • Gulp & Browserify
    • React with jQuery
    • React & AJAX

    • Unidirectional Data Flow
    • Challenges with Props
    • The Context API
    • Hands-on:
    • Instantiate a context, and provider and consumer components to trickle data down to the component hierarchy.

    • Routing in a React application
    • Routing with React Router
    • Nested Routes & Parameters
    • Protecting Routes
    • Hands-on:
    • Integrate React router in a project that features multiple sections
    • Incorporate nested routing on the /books route so that details of books
    • Protect a route from unauthenticated access

    • Code splitting & Suspense
    • Route Based Code Splitting & Lazy Loading
    • Hands-on:
    • Implement React.lazy and Suspense to load two components when needed
    • Implement React.lazy and Suspense when working with React Router

    • State Management & Redux
    • Setting up Redux
    • Actions & Reducer for the Catalog
    • Using the connect () higher order function
    • Actions & Reducer for the Cart
    • Using Redux Hooks
    • Implementing Middleware & Persistence

    • Introduction to Testing
    • Using Jest with Test Utils from React-DOM
    • Using Jest with the React Testing Library
    • Using Jest with Enzyme

    • Why redux middleware
    • Available redux middleware choices
    • What is redux saga
    • Install and setup redux saga
    • Working with Saga helpers
    • Sagas vs promises

    • What is webpack
    • Why webpack
    • Install and setup webpack
    • Working with webpack configuration file
    • Working with loaders
    • Working with plugins
    • Setting up Hot Module Replacement

    • Server Side Rendering
    • SSR with React – Setup & Server
    • SSR with React – The Toolchain

    • Create a Simple shopping cart app and push it to GitHub and deploy it in open source (like Heroku, netlify).
What is it?

  • React is a Javascript front end library created by Facebook. Create web-based UI components using the user interface technology React. React would only be a template library, though, if this were all it could do. For developers to define components, React makes use of JSX, an HTML-like syntax. The state of the application (and its components) is kept out of the Document Object Model since these encapsulated components handle their own states, which makes it simple to give rich information to a component. Components that use React can react to changes in their state quickly and efficiently. You may mix straightforward components in React to create intricate web apps.

Is it worth taking a React course?

  • Undoubtedly, knowing React is beneficial. Two of these come to mind. React has long been in great demand in the software development sector. If you can learn to code in React, your chances of landing a job will increase. The work is well worthwhile. Visitors won’t tolerate out-of-date websites that aren’t refreshed often. The HTML that React dynamically updates on a website page satisfies these users’ needs and improves their experience. React is a reputable technology that has a long history and is well-known.

How much time will it need to complete the React course?

  • To develop, release, and manage a production-ready React application, it can normally take one or two months. It all relies on your programming abilities, your familiarity with the fundamentals of web development, your learning route, the React training package you select, and the amount of practise you put in.With Newme’s React training, you can learn how to construct React applications quickly and effectively. In that case, you are already in the proper spot if you are seeking for the top React Js course.

How can I become a certified React Developer?

  • Since there are currently no industry-recognized courses for React developer certification, you may always choose to take React training from Newme and become a ReactJS expert.

What positions do companies frequently offer for ReactJS developers?

The top positions offered to React JS developers are as follows:

  • Frontend Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Full-Stack Developers

Does Newme provide any free ReactJS learning resources?

  • If you are looking for free resources on ReactJS then read our blogs on ReactJS tutorial, and ReactJS Interview Questions.

What distinguishes ReactJS from React Native, and which one should I learn?

  • A front-end Javascript language called React (or React.JS) enables you to build user interface (UI) components for your website. It is a library that enables you to develop comprehensive web apps or dynamic, interactive single-page applications. You can build native mobile apps for iPhone and Android devices with React Native. Still React, React Native. This indicates that the syntax and process for creating apps are identical to those of React. The components that are formed, nevertheless, are different. Web components are created with React. The components may communicate with native APIs on a phone thanks to React Native. If you are interested in web development, React is a good option. It is essential to understand React first and get acquainted with the technology before attempting React Native if you want to create mobile applications.It is advisable to understand React and become acquainted with the technology first if you want to create mobile applications before attempting React Native.

What are the benefits of the NewmeTechnologies React JS Certification course?

  • There is a huge growth in demand for competent employees as best practises and modern technology are continually evolving. Your success depends on having a React JS certification from NewmeTechnologies. They might be a useful addition to your resume that will make you stand out from your competitors. Our training programmes have been updated by most of business people.

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Course Total Duration:
90 hours

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@ 7200099299 & 7200099799

Course Features
Skill level Beginner
Instructor Led Training
90 Hours
Project work
What Shall Be Learned?
  • Learn Fundamentals
  • Introduction to React
  • Templating using JSX
  • React Components
  • Rendering list
  • Event handling
  • React Redux
  • Hooks

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